Sunday, March 6, 2011

Friday the 13th??

We all look forward to Mystic Stripers Night every year, as it is our Pop's and Jason's parade and ball night. Usually it is a very stressfull day of trying to get things and people together to head downtown to the Malaga Inn. We have a room at the Malaga Inn every year, same rooms each year, and we decorate them and all are welcome to come by, grab a snack, drink, and/or just visit.
This time was different in that not everone would be here to celebrate the day with us and we are living here so it just did not seem rushed. But it was by NO MEANS less heck-tick. The kids all went to school in the morning and I started the day out with a test in my Intro. to Computers course at Bishop State. It took me 10 minutes to take the test and then I was on my way home (made a 100, by the way). Once there I was informed that the sewer had backed up in the house, Penelope was with us and need to eat, and Chris and Kathy's battery had died and needed a jump. That was only the beginning.
Just as we get back on track and thinking we could start getting the car loaded to head downtown, I get a call that Russell was not feeling well and wanted to come home. He was not sick, just wanted to see what was going on at home. So he went with me to run a few errands before I had to pick the other kids up from school. But this was not the end of the Craziness either...
I had all of the stuff loaded up in my Suburban ready to head out and was getting the kids ready, after school, to leave when my brother came in from taking some last minute things out to tell me something happened to my car. What?!
I cannot even tell you what happened...I went numb after first thought was that someone tried to break in because there was no one around my car and no one had drivin it since I got back from running all the could have also been that someone bumped the door accidentally which folded in the bottom lower right corner on the driver-side and completely screwed up the hinges so that the door would no longer shut. 
Needless to say, we had to take everything out of the suburban and load up "Grandma's Bus" so we could get to the Malaga and get settled before the parade...Sigh.
The rest of the night was sooo much better...

Aaron and Sam waiting for the parade to start.

Pop and Jason's float...Sharp Dressed Men...

Float title was actually "Musicians"

My niece's first parade...with her daddy.

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