This week our kids' school is having their Red Ribbon Week. Every day the kids get to do something different, all so they can "Say No to Drugs" or as they currently say it now, "Drugs are No Fun."
Today, the “fun” was wearing red accessories with your uniform. The boys had fun with this…
Miriam missed it; she was dealing with tummy issues.
Tomorrow’s fun is “Extra Recess,” Wednesday’s fun is a Dodge ball tournament A vs. B, Thursday’s “to cool for drugs” fun is being allowed to wear sunglasses during recess, and Friday is a half day…
Miriam is holding her Pumkin Princess that she made for school. |
Also, this week Miriam is “The Star of the Week” in her class. She gets to do a “Show and Tell” on Wednesday, provide items for the “Guessing Jar,” and have her picture displayed on the Bulletin Board. How great is that?!
Tomorrow is the 50th day of school and to celebrate the Kindergarteners get to dress in Fifties outfits and have Coke Floats...I hope I can get some pictures.
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