...However, her reign as "Only Grand-daughter" will come to an end as our first Niece is due to arrive next month. The first Wimberly Grand-daughter...This should be interesting...
*Someone did NOT want his picture taken...there was a toy with his name on it AND you took it away to take a stinky photo?
My family is such a bad influence...but they are doing something constructive, building Legos. |
Meanwhile, Miriam attended a Ballet Camp.
* Miriam and her cousin love playing "Momma and Sweetie"...This playhouse gets so much use, though most of the time the boys call it a "base".
The last day her cousins would be here...Sprinkle Doughnuts all around! * Miriam's soon to be First Girl Cousin's parents - Aunt Bradley & Uncle Will, at the Wimberly Baby Shower... *This picture is one of my favorites of our youngest nephew, Sam. He and his cousin Noah love to "Rockie-rockie"... http://lilwim.blogspot.com/ |
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